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Building an AutoSD image

The automotive-image-builder tool is a Python script that extends the functionality of the OSBuild tool to simplify how to create and customize operating system (OS) images.

When you run the automotive-image-builder tool, it leverages OSBuild to build images based on YAML files called manifests. Manifests contain specifications for your OS image. Manifests specify build details, such as which repositories and RPM packages to include, which services to enable, and hostname and time zone configurations. Manifest files also describe stages that modify the file system of the image.

In this workflow, you have configured your own custom manifest file that you will use to build your own custom AutoSD image. For further reference, you can also review the sample manifests that you can use to build images in the Automotive SIG repository.

Building and running your customized OS image

The automotive-image-builder repository includes a script that simplifies the build process. The automotive-image-builder script invokes OSBuild to build the images by using manifest files that you specify.



  1. Build the AutoSD image. In this example, specify your manifest file and the qcow2 image format in the automotive-image-builder build command:

    ./automotive-image-builder build --distro cs9 --mode package --target qemu \
    --export qcow2 <my-manifest>.mpp.yml <my-image>.qcow2


    If you build multiple images, run dnf clean all between builds to clear the build artifacts and reset the DNF cache.

  2. Run the image:

    ./automotive-image-runner <my-image>.qcow2
  3. After the image boots, log in as root using the password password.

  4. Verify that your packaged software is present in your image:

    rpm -q auto-apps dlt-daemon vsomeip3-routingmanager

Your image is now ready.

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