We offer release packages containing our repository configuration files and public package signing key.
On some Enterprise Linux distributions, in particular on CentOS Stream, these release packages are available from the default repositories. On other distributions it is required to first add a repository by:
Do not follow these steps on CentOS Stream instead directly move on to the list of repositories.
Import our public package signing key:
$ sudo rpm --import https://www.centos.org/keys/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-SIG-Kmods
Install package containing main repository configuration:
$ sudo dnf install https://mirror.stream.centos.org/SIGs/$(rpm --eval '%{?rhel}/kmods/%{_arch}/repos-main/Packages/c/centos-repos-kmods-%{?rhel}-2.el%{?rhel}.noarch.rpm')
See repositories for a list of available repositories and their corresponding release package to be installed.