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Short primer on OSTree

OSTree is a system designed to maintain and update immutable system images. It is loosely based on the git model, where each image you want to track is a branch (sometimes called ref) in a repository with a history of commits. The live system follows the branch, with a particular commit checked out (called deployed) and booted into.

When the system updates, it pulls the latest commit from the branch of the remote, and checks it out locally next to the currently deployed commit. Then the system is restarted and now uses the new commit as the active root. The old deployment is still available and you can manually boot into it or change it back to be active (rollback). On further updates, older versions may be removed to avoid unnecessary disk use.

Creating an OSTree repo

All of the manifests support an ostree image type. When you build images based on this there are two stages. First an ostree commit is created with all of the content that should be part of the image. Next, a bootable system is created that pulls and deploys the newly created ostree commit into it.

If you want to use OSTree to update existing systems, you need access to the intermediate ostree commit. This is easily done by passing the OSTREE_REPO variable to make, like this:

make cs9-qemu-minimal-ostree.x86_64.qcow2 OSTREE_REPO=ostree-repo

This builds the cs9-qemu-minimal-ostree.x86_64.qcow2 image, and additionally extracts the ostree commits generated during the build and pulls them into the local ostree repo in a directory called ostree-repo (which will be created, if needed).

Additionally, when you do this, the build looks at the current version of the built ref in the repo (if there was a pre-existing one) and uses that commit ID as the parent commit of the new image. This ensures that your ostree images have an unbroken history in them.

After you run the above command, you can inspect the ostree repo like this:

$ ostree refs --repo=ostree-repo
$ ostree log --repo=ostree-repo cs9/x86_64/qemu-minimal
commit d80f713ecaf86e9ff2911811b8f97b3ae68c7e1403954e21628269edd7c2c95a
ContentChecksum:  0f0d7468b2476b164803e3552a388589eabc301cdba915cc4f6164a0ffda67e4
Date:  2022-03-30 14:14:02 +0000
Version: 9
(no subject)

Additionally if you boot the system in qemu like this:

./runvm cs9-qemu-minimal-ostree.x86_64.qcow2

Once logged in, you can check the status:

$ ./runvm cs9-qemu-minimal-ostree.x86_64.qcow2
... wait for qemu to start and log in ...
# rpm-ostree status
State: idle
● auto-sig:cs9/x86_64/qemu-minimal
                   Version: 9 (2022-03-30T14:14:02Z)
                    Commit: d80f713ecaf86e9ff2911811b8f97b3ae68c7e1403954e21628269edd7c2c95a

Here we can see that there is only one ref installed (cs9/x86_64/qemu-minimal), which has been installed from the remote called auto-sig. The commit installed is the one we just built, and it’s marked active (the ●).

Updating an OSTree-based image

The image has a remote called auto-sig. For more information about the remote:

# ostree remote list -u

This is the default url, which can be overridden by changing the ostree_repo_url. However, this particular URL is meaningful, because it matches what is used by the runvm --publish-dir feature. So, if you use this to expose the ostree-repo directory created above to the VM, like so:

./runvm  --publish-dir=ostree-repo cs9-qemu-minimal-ostree.x86_64.qcow2

NOTE: Verify that netcat is installed on the host, otherwise this message appears:

Command 'netcat' not found in path, ignoring publish-dir

When you log in, try to upgrade the system:

# rpm-ostree upgrade
1 metadata, 0 content objects fetched; 469 B transferred in 0 seconds; 0 bytes content written
No upgrade available.

It says there are no upgrades, because we’re already on the latest version of the cs9/x86_64/qemu-minimal branch. To create an update we could just build an image just like we did above, but that would also create a new image which would replace the previously built one. To avoid this we build just the repo, although in real life you probably want to build both.

We can create an update by adding an extra rpm (curl) like so:

make cs9-qemu-minimal-ostree.x86_64.repo DEFINES='extra_rpms=["curl"] distro_version="9.1"'  OSTREE_REPO=ostree-repo

Note the .repo extension instead of .qcow2. Also, we specify an additional rpm in the new image, and a new version id so that we can see a difference when we update to the new version. As before we specify OSTREE_REPO, pointing it at the same directory we did before.

Again, once the build is finished we can look at the resulting commit:

$ ostree log --repo=ostree-repo cs9/x86_64/qemu-minimal
commit 262e882d5c74da5315f712720529f599df415a1519f6efc1247edf96e148ac2c
Parent:  d80f713ecaf86e9ff2911811b8f97b3ae68c7e1403954e21628269edd7c2c95a
ContentChecksum:  e024335faba5db213e8c78cfc186de604d0921a82587696705364109789b4a86
Date:  2022-03-30 14:19:51 +0000
Version: 9.1
(no subject)

commit d80f713ecaf86e9ff2911811b8f97b3ae68c7e1403954e21628269edd7c2c95a
ContentChecksum:  0f0d7468b2476b164803e3552a388589eabc301cdba915cc4f6164a0ffda67e4
Date:  2022-03-30 14:14:02 +0000
Version: 9
(no subject)

As you can see we now have a new commit, which has a parent commit, making up a history of commits for the branch.

In the VM you can now update to this, and check the status:

# rpm-ostree upgrade
15 metadata, 3 content objects fetched; 6220 KiB transferred in 2 seconds; 24.3 MB content written
Scanning metadata: 1821...done
Staging deployment...done
Run "systemctl reboot" to start a reboot

# rpm-ostree status
State: idle
                   Version: 9.1 (2022-03-30T14:19:51Z)
                    Commit: 262e882d5c74da5315f712720529f599df415a1519f6efc1247edf96e148ac2c

● auto-sig:cs9/x86_64/qemu-minimal
                   Version: 9 (2022-03-30T14:14:02Z)
                    Commit: d80f713ecaf86e9ff2911811b8f97b3ae68c7e1403954e21628269edd7c2c95a
# curl
-bash: curl: command not found

We have not rebooted yet, so we can tell from the status that there are two deployments, and the current one (the dot) is on the old one. At this point we can reboot (using e.g. systemctl reboot). After boot things look like this:

# rpm-ostree status
State: idle
● auto-sig:cs9/x86_64/qemu-minimal
                   Version: 9.1 (2022-03-30T14:19:51Z)
                    Commit: 262e882d5c74da5315f712720529f599df415a1519f6efc1247edf96e148ac2c

                   Version: 9 (2022-03-30T14:14:02Z)
                    Commit: d80f713ecaf86e9ff2911811b8f97b3ae68c7e1403954e21628269edd7c2c95a
# curl

The last command shows that curl is now available, and that it can access the ostree repository at

Offline delta updates

OSTree normally downloads updates from a remote ostree repository. These repositories contains all the files that are part of some version of an image. In addition to this, repos can contain something called static deltas. These are highly efficient deltas going from one particular version to another version. You can use the ostree static-delta generate command to generate these. If a static delta is available for the particular transaction you are running, it will automatically be used. See the ostree docs for more details of how this works.

However, in addition to this in-repo use of static deltas they can also be used for “offline” updates. This is where a system update is delivered externally to the target system, as a single file, and then applied manually. Such files can be generated with a command like ostree static-delta generate --inline --min-fallback-size=0.

There is a script in the repository at tools/generate-deltas that helps generate updates like this. If you point it at an ostree repository it will produce update files for the latest version of all the images in the repo going from the 3 latest versions, as well as a “from scratch” version that can be applied independently of what is currently installed (although it is bigger).

Here is a continuation of the above demo, where we instead update “offline”.

First, lets create a new update, and generate deltas for it. This will create a new commit (1a7bb27f43962ba303af8a7fb5e43fbc96d0d900974f8471111961a6be0f8dd8 in this case) for version 9.2 and a set of updates to it from the previous versions and one from-scratch.

$ make cs9-qemu-minimal-ostree.x86_64.repo DEFINES='extra_rpms=["curl","less"] distro_version="9.2"'  OSTREE_REPO=ostree-repo
$ tools/generate-deltas ostree-repo/ ostree-repo/updates/
$ du -h  ostree-repo/updates/*
395M  cs9-x86_64-qemu-minimal-1a7bb27f43962ba303af8a7fb5e43fbc96d0d900974f8471111961a6be0f8dd8.update
2.9M  cs9-x86_64-qemu-minimal-262e882d5c74da5315f712720529f599df415a1519f6efc1247edf96e148ac2c-1a7bb27f43962ba303af8a7fb5e43fbc96d0d900974f8471111961a6be0f8dd8.update
9.4M  cs9-x86_64-qemu-minimal-d80f713ecaf86e9ff2911811b8f97b3ae68c7e1403954e21628269edd7c2c95a-1a7bb27f43962ba303af8a7fb5e43fbc96d0d900974f8471111961a6be0f8dd8.update

The created update files were stored in the ostree-repo directory, because then we can easily download them from the VM like this (the exact IDs will differ though):

# curl --remote-name
# curl --remote-name
# curl --remote-name

These can now be applied with ostree static-delta apply-offline. Since we still have both 262e882d... (the fallback) and d80f713e... (current boot) installed, any one of these updates can be applied, but if you were to install a wrong one you would get an error like “Commit XYZ, which is the delta source, is not in repository”.

Lets apply the most recent delta (which is only 2.9MB):

# ostree static-delta apply-offline cs9-x86_64-qemu-minimal-262e882d5c74da5315f712720529f599df415a1519f6efc1247edf96e148ac2c-1a7bb27f43962ba303af8a7fb5e43fbc96d0d900974f8471111961a6be0f8dd8.update
# rpm-ostree rebase 1a7bb27f43962ba303af8a7fb5e43fbc96d0d900974f8471111961a6be0f8dd8
Staging deployment... done
Changes queued for next boot. Run "systemctl reboot" to start a reboot
# rpm-ostree status
State: idle
                   Version: 9.2 (2022-03-30T15:01:03Z)
                    Commit: 1a7bb27f43962ba303af8a7fb5e43fbc96d0d900974f8471111961a6be0f8dd8

● auto-sig:cs9/x86_64/qemu-minimal
                   Version: 9.1 (2022-03-30T14:19:51Z)
                    Commit: 262e882d5c74da5315f712720529f599df415a1519f6efc1247edf96e148ac2c

These kind of “offline” updates are very useful when you have pre-existing update mechanisms that can distribute updates to the car, rather than using a networked OSTree repository. Since the image is just a single file it is easy to integrate with such systems.

Further studies

This has only scratched the surface of OSTree and its companion rpm-ostree, once you are at this point you can start learn about things like rollback and other administration details, or the mechanics of how ostree works.

There are some details about unattended updates in a separate doc.

For more information, see the rpm-ostree docs.

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