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Building packages for Automotive

There are three ways to contribute automotive-related packages to AutoSD or Red Hat In-Vehicle OS:

  • Package the application in Fedora and bring it to EPEL
  • Package the application in the Automotive SIG RPM repository
  • Contact your partner manager to discuss incorporating the application into Red Hat In-Vehicle OS

Understanding how code flows into RHEL and Red Hat In-Vehicle OS will help clarify which contribution method is right for you:

Code Flow into AutoSD, CentOS Stream, RHEL and the Automotive product

Building packages for Fedora and EPEL

The Fedora project is an open source community that works together on multiple projects, the most well known of which is the Fedora Linux operating system.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is based on the work done in the Fedora Linux distribution. RHEL is based on Fedora and Red Hat In-Vehicle OS is based on RHEL.

In addition to Fedora Linux, the Fedora community works on a project called Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL). EPEL allows Fedora packagers to build and maintain packages built against RHEL. Therefore, packages that are part of EPEL are necessarily compatible with RHEL, CentOS Stream, and Red Hat In-Vehicle OS.


EPEL packages cannot override RHEL packages. If you want a package that already exists in RHEL but with a different configuration or version, you must build your package so that it does not conflict with RHEL packages.

For more information about how to become a Fedora packager, see Joining the Package Maintainers on the Fedora Project user documentation site.

Building packages for the Automotive SIG RPM repository

The most important contribution criteria for the Automotive SIG repo is that the code must be under an approved free and open source license.

Similar to the Fedora Linux-RHEL relationship, when you build in the Automotive SIG RPM repository, you’re building against AutoSD, which is the future of Red Hat In-Vehicle OS.

The contribution process for the Automotive SIG RPM repository is somewhat simpler than the EPEL process because the Automotive SIG controls the process.

Unlike EPEL, the Automotive SIG repository can override packages that are in RHEL or AutoSD. This allows SIG members to experiment with new versions or different configurations than those in Red Hat products.

Requesting a package

Send an email to the CentOS Automotive SIG mailing list to present the project you want to package in the Automotive SIG RPM repository.

Packaging code

After they receive your email, the Automotive SIG will create a subgroup or project for you in the CentOS Automotive RPMs repo.


  • lookaside_upload_sig script from centos-git-common

  • centos-packager to build packages using CentOS Build System (CBS)


  1. Run git add and git commit to add the spec file and patches to your repo.

  2. Upload the tarball of the project sources to the lookaside cache:

lookaside_upload_sig -f <tarball> -n <pkg_name>


The lookaside cache stores a copy of all upstream archives used when building RPMs. This allows the Automotive SIG to reproduce a build, even if the upstream project’s website disappears. After your sources are uploaded to the lookaside cache, create a sources file in your git repository to enable the build system to identify the correct archive to retrieve from the lookaside cache.

  1. Create a sources file in your repo in the same directory as the spec file:
sha512sum --tag <tarball> > sources
  1. Push your spec file, sources file, and any patches to GitLab.

  2. The first time you package your code, add your package to the tags you want to build against:

cbs add-pkg --owner=<username> <tag> <pkg_name>


You must do this for the -candidate, -testing and -release tags. For more information, see Automotive SIG CBS tags.

  1. Build the package using CBS:
cbs build <tag> git+<pkg_name>.git#<git_hash>

Or to build the latest commit of the branch you’re in:

cbs build <tag> git+<pkg_name>.git#`git log -1 --format=format:"%H"`
  1. After the build succeeds, push it to the testing repository:
cbs tag <testing_tag> <pkg_name-version-release>

Using the Automotive SIG testing repository for CentOS Stream 9 as an example:

cbs tag automotive9s-packages-main-testing <pkg_name-version-release>


This makes the package show up in the CentOS Buildlogs mirror.

  1. Push the package to the stable repository in the CentOS mirror network:
cbs tag <release_tag> <pkg_name-version-release>

Using the Automotive SIG release repository for CentOS Stream 9 as an example:

cbs tag automotive9s-packages-main-release <pkg_name-version-release>


This makes the package show up in the CentOS Stream mirror.

Automotive SIG CBS tags

CBS tags classify packages in the build system based on their destination.

The Automotive SIG RPM repository uses the following tags for CentOS Stream 9:

  • automotive9s-packages-main-el9s: This is the tag you will specify when using the cbs build command. It corresponds to the main Automotive SIG RPM repository. It is currently our only repository.
  • automotive9s-packages-main-el9s-build: This tag specifies where your packages are built.
  • automotive9s-packages-main-candidate: This tag specifies where your build lands after it’s built.
  • automotive9s-packages-main-testing: This tag specifies packages destined for the testing repository.
  • automotive9s-packages-main-release: This tag specifies packages destined for the stable repository.

And the following tags for CentOS Stream 10:

  • automotive10s-packages-main-el10s: This is the tag you will specify when using the cbs build command. It corresponds to the main Automotive SIG RPM repository. It is currently our only repository.
  • automotive10s-packages-main-el10s-build: This tag specifies where your packages are built.
  • automotive10s-packages-main-candidate: This tag specifies where your build lands after it’s built.
  • automotive10s-packages-main-testing: This tag specifies packages destined for the testing repository.
  • automotive10s-packages-main-release: This tag specifies packages destined for the stable repository.

Building packages for AutoSD

AutoSD is the public, in-development version of the Red Hat Automotive product. Changes that land in AutoSD are meant to land in the product in the future. Rollbacks can happen, but they are expected to be exceptional.

Because AutoSD is the public, in-development version of the Red Hat Automotive product, direct access is restricted to Red Hat employees. However, anyone in the community can propose changes to AutoSD.

Change proposals can take many forms, from a pull or merge request opened against an AutoSD package, to a post on the centos-automotive-sig mailing list, to contacting your Red Hat partner manager.


The Automotive SIG recommends contacting your Red Hat partner manager when you open a pull or merge request.

Finding AutoSD sources

Most AutoSD sources are located in the CentOS Stream repo.

  • The rpms namespace contains the git repositories that constitute dist-git, which are the git repositories that contain the spec files and patches used to build CentOS Stream RPMs.

  • The src namespace contains the Source-git, which is the repository for CentOS Stream 9 and 10.

  • The automotive namespace contains packages that diverge from CentOS Stream for AutoSD. The automotive namespace uses the same structure as the rpms and src namespaces.


The sources for the Automotive SIG packages may also be kept in automotive. Therefore, the Automotive SIG recommends using different branches with clear naming for AutoSD and the Automotive SIG repos.

Building for AutoSD

AutoSD packages are built on the CentOS Build System (CBS). The procedure to build those packages is therefore similar to the procedure to build RPMs for the Automotive SIG RPM repository. The only difference is in the CBS tags used, which are described in AutoSD CBS tags.

AutoSD CBS tags

CBS tags classify packages in the build system based on their destination.

The AutoSD repository uses the following tags for CentOS Stream 9:

  • autosd9s-packages-main-el9s: This is the tag you will specify when using the cbs build command. It corresponds to the main Automotive SIG RPM repository. It is currently our only AutoSD repository.
  • autosd9s-packages-main-el9s-build: This tag specifies where your packages are built.
  • autosd9s-packages-main-candidate: This tag specifies where your build lands after it’s built.
  • autosd9s-packages-main-testing: This tag specifies packages destined for the testing repository.
  • autosd9s-packages-main-release: This tag specifies packages destined for the stable repository.

And the following tags for CentOS Stream 10:

  • autosd10s-packages-main-el10s: This is the tag you will specify when using the cbs build command. It corresponds to the main Automotive SIG RPM repository. It is currently our only AutoSD repository.
  • autosd10s-packages-main-el10s-build: This tag specifies where your packages are built.
  • autosd10s-packages-main-candidate: This tag specifies where your build lands after it’s built.
  • autosd10s-packages-main-testing: This tag specifies packages destined for the testing repository.
  • autosd10s-packages-main-release: This tag specifies packages destined for the stable repository.

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