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Contributing to the automotive-sig repository

Cloning the main repository


  1. From GitLab, click Clone and copy the URL of the Automotive SIG repository. You can choose either SSH or HTTPS.
  2. From a terminal window, clone the repository locally:
git clone <url> <shortname>


git clone origin

Creating a fork


  1. From GitLab, click Fork.
  2. Optional: Enter a project name. If you don’t enter a project name, the fork inherits the name of the origin.
  3. Select your name from the namespace menu.
  4. Optional: Enter a project description.
  5. Select your preferred visibility level.
  6. Click Fork project to create your fork.

Adding your fork as a remote


  1. From GitLab, click Clone and copy the URL of your fork. You can choose either SSH or HTTPS.
  2. From a terminal window, go to your clone of the automotive-sig repository and add your fork as a remote repository:
git remote add <fork-shortname> <url>


git remote add myfork
  1. Optional: Confirm that you added your fork as a remote:
git remote -v


You can run this command at any time to view details about all of the remotes in the cloned repository.

Contributing to the repository


  1. Create a dedicated branch on your fork:
git checkout -b <branch>


git checkout -b my-branch
  1. Push updates to your fork:
git push <fork-shortname> <branch>


git push myfork my-branch
  1. From the Automotive-SIG repository, click New merge request.
  2. Select the main branch of the Automotive-SIG repository as the target.
  3. Select the following merge options:
  • Delete source branch when merge request is accepted.
  • Squash commits when merge request is accepted.
  1. Request a review from someone with maintainer rights so that they can review and merge your changes.

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